Şengül Boybaş, author of The Awakening of the World, tells about Göbeklitepe

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We had the first interview of 2019 with Şengül Hanım. He told us about himself and his first book, The Awakening of the World, as a young author. A deep subject like Göbeklitepe was somewhat overshadowed. There are those who follow, The Awakening of the World has attracted a lot of attention with its direction of Göbeklitepe. Moreover, as we all know, it did not escape the eyes of the company that made the series. At the beginning of the year, I shared the excitement of the first novel with Şengül Hanım. Now, as autumn begins, welcome to our conversation on Göbeklitepe ...


- The Awakening of the World is your first book written after your research in Göbeklitepe. We talked about your book before. Now we will talk about Göbeklitepe. What were the things / things that guided you about Göbeklitepe?

Göbeklitepe was a lost civilization, a covered belief center. As such, it was quite mysterious to me. It is a deep cult that human consciousness and memory forgot and cannot explain. I compare these stones that were erased or covered in Göbeklitepe very much to the veiled memory of humanity. This is how the inspiration for the first word I wrote at the beginning of the book came about.

- In your book, Atiye character goes on a spiritual journey in Göbeklitepe. So what did you feel while visiting Göbeklitepe? What kind of energy did he have?

Being a writer starts with feeling first. The earth itself is an enormous veil, in my opinion, the hidden realities of nature are the door of the Gods, whose meaning can be observed with matter. All these meanings continue with the desire to live that area and history. Writing down what I feel and experience happens spontaneously, writing itself is a magical world ...

- How do you interpret the effects of Göbeklitepe, the world's first settlement and belief center, on humanity?

The cult of birth and death shows itself seriously in Göbeklitepe. This cult is actually Göbeklitepe's legacy to world beliefs, it is too inclusive to be reduced to a single belief. In other words, we can think of it as the raw material of all beliefs.

When we think of the history of religions, we can talk about many beliefs that disappeared because there were no more believers; but beliefs don't actually die. He gets help from other beliefs even when we think he's most disappeared The only facts that keep the world's memory alive are beliefs and ways of believing. Although the temple in Göbeklitepe is a form of belief, it interacts with all faith dynamics.


Let's talk about concrete symbols and abstract meanings. Holy mountain or sacred peaks stones and pillars. It is a gigantic place of worship… In my opinion, we can say this: It is a common area shared between both the guardians of the sky, the planet and stars, and the owners of the earth… The end and the beginning… What do you think?

Animal figures, symbols, pillars with cut heads, animals that have come to watch the events and columns without heads bear witness to history. He watches, waits and records… It symbolizes that they have come to the world as a missionary and will help humanity during their missions. Presentation, sacrifice and land ...

- The monumental architecture, large stone sculptures, symbolic motifs and stylized animations unearthed during the excavations in Göbeklitepe show that the communities in this region should have a highly developed and versatile social structure. So what do you think about this subject?

It is not right to think of Göbeklitepe as a single center, consider it as the first center and assume that it interacts with other centers of the world. All of them are connected to each other in harmony, in a magnetic interaction… The first temple of this magnetic field, Göbeklitepe! When we look at it from today's perspective, it is obvious that they are a developed society. The columns are artistically and architecturally ahead of their time. Because thinking systems are based on a foundation. Their way of believing extends to the stars… We can talk about the commune system. They have a universal belief that thinks the importance of the world and that life continues after the world. They have a very advanced tradition from the hunter-gatherer society. It appears to be a caste system. Due to the size of the stone pillars and the different designs of each of the temples,

Göbeklitepe is also the world's first faith center. How do you evaluate this issue? Does Göbeklitepe's being the first center of faith aroused you a curiosity to visit it?

Faith has always attracted my attention. What do we believe in? Why do we believe? How has the history of faith shaped? These questions were always puzzling my mind. I thought starting the journey of faith from the first faith center in history was the correct way to describe belief.

Sacrifice ceremonies, a culture whose rites have come forward for a thousand years

- You mentioned in your book The Awakening of the World that sacrificial rituals were performed in Göbeklitepe. Let's talk about these sacrificial rituals now…

Sacrificial rituals are really a topic that can be talked about for hours. Sacrifice ceremonies have been a prominent cult for thousands of years. A practice of belief reflected in Islam, Judaism and other non-heavenly religions. For example, it was a common ritual to be buried with a virgin among the greatest desires of kings. Mevlana had found a solution to this problem as follows; the death of the soul did not require death. The meaning of human sacrifice in agricultural societies has become a tradition for the fertility of the soil and the establishment of peace and tranquility.

The ritual of sacrifice attributed vitality to the stone structures. These temples, considered sacred, were the promise of eternal life. Presentation and victims are represented in 2 T-figures right in the middle. These were priest-king and virgin. In these agricultural societies, it was the blood that was poured into the soil to make the land more fertile. The figure T symbolized the human being, the lack of a head depicted a beheaded believer. This could be a king, a priest, a virgin. Among the notables of the society such as kings, nuns, princes and priests who were beheaded, and although it is not certain, a ritual situation can be mentioned.

- In your book, you also mention the headless human and bird figures in Göbeklitepe and the birds carrying the souls of the deceased to the sky. Can you explain this situation a little?

The soul alone is helpless in the world. As human beings come to earth, a wormhole opens, and the long journey of the soul begins. When the time comes, that wormhole reopens so that it can rise to the sky after completing its mission on earth; time-space loses its meaning. The pioneer, leading souls who can guide the independent movement of the soul, its departure from the earth, are already there and guide transformation to carry the soul to where it came from without being lost and complete the spiritual evolution after death. Sacred animals, holy people, sacred places ... It is whatever guides.


- In The Awakening of the World, you wrote that the D Temple is the most important part of Göbeklitepe. What makes the Temple D so important?

Temple D has an elliptical, spiral-like structure… Understanding this structural form is very difficult with today's understanding. Temple D is an archetype, that is, the reflection of celestial bodies or the most powerful forms of nature. The symbols used indicate the importance of the Temple D… There are 2 T figures in the center of the D Temple. On each other's chest area (C) shaped crescent and (O) circle and next to it (H) mark. In researches, the usage purposes and meanings of these symbols are interpreted a little differently.

- Can you share with us the meanings of these symbols?

(CO) the moon and the sun (H) appear as representations of the world. We can see that the letter (H) symbolizes human, like 1-1, or 1 = 1, it points to the unbreakable connection between masculine and feminine. It has meanings such as productivity, fertility and continuity. To me, Temple D gives us a lot of information and is like the actual key that opens so many doors. I also think it points to a grave that can be found deeper as the excavation continues.

- Thank you very much for your information sharing, Ms. Şengül. So, I would like to ask you lastly, is your research on Göbeklitepe still going on? Will there come a sequel?

My research continues. It is really interesting to examine the connection of Göbeklitepe with other centers, I think the next book may have a connection with these centers.

Damla Karakuş: Thank you.

Şengül Boybaş: Thank you.

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